Monday, September 9, 2013

The Eve Before My G Challenge

The Eve Before My G Challenge
 On Sunday, I decided to go out for a long run because the day before I was not able to do my 545am class due to being late. The entire Saturday I was hostile because waking up at 545 and not having anywhere to go to burn calories  SUCKS! But I told myself I would go running on Sunday.
Fast forward to Sunday. I wake-up at 7am and went for a run. I did a 7.5 mile run and felt wonderful afterwards. Later on in the day I went to one of my best friend's son's birthday with my little guy Doogie. We had a wonderful time and then came the food. Doogie had pizza and I had 1 slice of pizza.  Doogie had a cupcake and I had a cupcake. Doogie did not want ice cream cake so I had his ice cream cake. Finally Doogie did not want cookies so I had his cookies. I get home and we had dinner and I ate rice. We start watching our Sunday night shows and I decide to have popcorn and some salty brownie crackers ( my most recent discovery). I ate like a fat girl gone wild.
I had burned 776 calories during my run. I argued with myself that I was entitled to a little cheating. But you know what they say about cheating? If you cheat one time you will cheat again. I cheated all damn day! I knew the next day I would have to run another 776 calories to burn the ice cream cake. I told myself you got this, I would wake up at 6am for a run.
And so it begins my G Challenge...
Challenge Day
My iphone goes off at 6am. I did not get up but went back to bed (so much for my motivation talk the night before talking about "you got this". I didn't get anything but my ass back to bed)! When I woke up at 7:00am, I knew it was way too late for a run with this crazy 90 degree South Florida heat. I was lucky I was getting to work late so I decided to get on the elliptical but first I needed to make sure Doug and Doogie were showered, dressed and fed.
I sent them on their way and changed into what I call my fat workout at home outfit. This is the outfit I think I look great in but would not be caught dead wearing at any gym. So I dragged myself with my fatty workout outfit to the elliptical machine and turn on the TV. I see the happy Kelly and I want to barf. She is so happy and so perfect that she annoys me. I am changing the channels and I noticed that I was already 10 minutes into the elliptical workout without turning it on. I hate when this happens because 10 minutes is a lot of calories for fat me. I hate not knowing how many calories I am burning. So I turn the damn thing on and find nothing on TV. I hate not having something to pass the time with while I am on these stationary machines. So I decide to watch The Real Housewives of Miami. I have never seen this show before. I put the show and the more I watch it the more I am getting into it with myself. Wondering why in the world can't I have a body like these women? Because you ate ice cream cake and pizza last night bitch! Because you love to eat sweets and carbs! And because you are broke and don't have the money to get plastic surgery!  The higher I turn up the levels the higher my thoughts get. Why can't I have breast that look like theirs? Because Nica's don't get their breast done! Why can't I get a Herms bag? Because you need to pay for Doogie's school! I continue arguing with myself,  I am having to workout like a crazy woman to burn 1 slice of pizza and a piece of ice cream cake from the prior night while you have these women drinking champagne with their size zero outfits! Do you know how many miles I have to run to be able to fit into a size 7? A size 7! I am pretty sure on their application it says "size 7 no need apply"! Finally, I look down at the elliptical to see 500 calories burned. I stopped, got off , smiled and said to myself  "500 calories burned" check bitch.
As for the rest of my day, it was safe. I did have carbs. I had 1 bread and a couple of Doogie's little pretzel crackers. The rest was veggies, chicken, salmon and salad (very light on the dressing). It was mostly pick up food because of the repair work taking place in my house and we couldn't cook. I skipped the skinny cow ice cream tonight and managed to drink my 8 glasses of water. I did crave sweets but I didn't have any. I thought about the commitment I had made to this blog and those of you who are on this journey with me. I did not want to let you or myself down. I thought about the people that are also giving up sweets tonight in order to fit into a skinner version of yourselves and I thought to myself I rather have that then the skinny cow.
I wish you all a great 1st day today. I hope you managed to get out of bed and get moving. If not, you have tomorrow. I will be grading myself daily based on my level of determination and commitment. Today I give myself a C. What's your grade for today? Share your story!
1) Workout first thing in the morning if you can. If you cannot then do it during lunch or after work but make sure you do it!
2) If it's too hard for you to wake-up, set your phone's alarm and as soon as it goes off, run to the bathroom. Download inspiration running motivation quotes as you're on the toilet doing your business and inspire yourself to get out there and move (not naked)!
3) I know most of you will laugh at me but I start every run, walk, jog with the song "What a Feeling" from the movie Flash dance because my friends "what a feeling, it's believing, that you can have it all, while your dancing for your life". TAKE YOUR PASSION AND MAKE IT HAPPEN!
4) Think to yourself  that G is getting up too and making it happen! Why can't I?! I can and I will!
5) Music is the key to a great workout.


  1. I forgot about to add
    6) Don't stop beliving from Journey is alos a great song to get you out the door.

  2. Gretchen girl you are mess.. lol Keep it up I thought I was the only one that talks to her inner voice like this morning when I wanted to put that treadmill on the fastest that I could go. I was saying nooo Shawn even if you feel comfortable 4.7 is the limit for today. Baby steps my friend DAY 1 FOR ME. Great Blog :) And I did well today with eating but then I had 2 cookies after lunch!!


I got this G!