Thursday, September 12, 2013

Fake Is Not A Size

Fake Is Not A Size
Alarm clock goes off again at 420am to be at the gym at 5am. We started on time and had a very good workout. I was dead tired between the 11 mile run from the prior day with only 5 hrs. of sleep. I did not want to get up this morning AT ALL! However, this blog motivated me to do so. I got out of bed, changed into my workout gear and off I want. I was feeling like Olivia Newton John in her "Lets Get Physical" days because I was able to wear a tight tan top without looking like a big mistake. The moment I got to the gym I felt more like Olivia the pig from Nick Jr. I cannot help but compare myself to other women.  The tight butts, Madonna arms, soccer legs, firm breast and flat stomachs. The more I compare, the more my fat stomach would want to pop out. I tried lifting my pants high enough to cover the rolls. I was amazed how good some of these women look from when they started. They are a great example of hard work!

During the entire class I found myself noticing how hard everyone tries. I felt lucky to have a support system and not have to suffer alone. I also noticed myself thinking "that person looks awesome" vs. telling them "how awesome they look." I started thinking, why is it so hard for women to compliment other women? Is it because telling someone they look great mean we do not look great enough? Is telling someone you have lost a lot of weight mean that we have just gain more? What about when people tell us we look great, what's your secret and do we actually say it?  If we are wearing a nice outfit do we actually tell people where we bought it? If we are taking shakes, diet pills, natural herds, etc for weight lost, do we share our secret with our friends? If we had some Botox done and people tell us how young we look, do we keep it to ourselves? Why is it that as women it is so easy to compete with one another and yet so hard to stand together? Why is it that when we enter a room we judge the good looking girl? Why is it so easy to tell each other a lie but yet so hard to share the truth? Why is it that just like our weight, us women can be so unstable.

I am 100% guilty of all this.  The girls at my gym are so not! They are a fat girls best friend! When I am struggling to finish my last mile they run with me to the finish line. When my back is hurting because of my saggy breast they email me the information of good sports bras. When I am complaining about my knee they refer me to the best doctors. When I don't want to get up to workout they save me a spot. This is how all us women should be! We should support each other when we are struggling with our weight plan! We should tackle the chocolate bar our friend is eating if she is trying to lose weight! We should call our friend at 5am to make sure she is up and ready for her workout! We should yell "woohoo" when our friend calls us to say she lost 5 pounds! We should LIKE every post in Facebook when friends post miles completed./calories burned (hint, hint). We should show up to all their competitions with a sign that says "YOU GOT THIS BABYGIRL!". We should call our friend who is a single mom to babysit so she can go to a hot yoga class. We should pick up groceries one day and go cook a meal for a friend that is always eating fast foods. We should buy protein shakes for a friend who can not afford them. We should motivate a friend to join a gym. We should listen to our friends excuses and help them find solutions to burn those calories. We should be as real as they come because without real you are only left with fake.
Fake would be eating like crap, not doing any exercise and posting the exact opposite. Fake would be me telling you that today I did not eat 12 Hershey's kisses ( the small ones).Fake would be telling you that I didn't have half of a diet Pepsi. Fake would be me telling you that I didn't half a cup of rice. Fake would be me telling you that this is my 4th day without having any skinny cow ice cream and I am not having withdrawals. Fake would be me telling you it is very easy to wake up at 420am 6 times a week to go workout. Fake would be me telling you that eating healthy is affordable. Fake would be me telling you that I could do this G challenge on my own. Fake would be me telling you that it gets easier as you get older. Fake would be me telling you I don't have any fat. Fake would be me telling you I love walking into a room and standing next to the tall, blonde and young 20 year old with the fabulous legs! Fake would be me telling you that I wear my 6 inch heels because I love the feeling of swollen feet! Fake would be me telling you that all my clothes fits me great! Fake would be me telling you that the truth does not hurt.

The truth is that for us women that have struggled with the scale all their lives, after giving birth or after a certain age, this shit does not get any easier!!! This is why it is important for us women to support each other as women and as friends. It's the motivation, compassion and support that will get us to our REAL size because Fake Is Not a Size.

Ask yourself, is your size real?



Today I give myself a grade of a C+

I would love updates on how it's going. I have only seen 2 :(


  1. I have to say that I am really enjoying reading your blog. I have made it part of my morning routine. Here's my little update. Wednesday evening I did not do my sprints as planned due to inclement weather. This is a poor excuse I know but the rain persuaded me into believing that I needed a day off. I also induldged in a Kit Kat (I'm blaming that one on PMS). I was back on track yesterday. Back to protein shakes & chicken breasts. I worked out Thursday night & finished off with 10 sprints. I wanted to bail on the 10 sprints but I pushed through anyway. I'll be hitting the gym again today after work and again tomorrow morning. Keep up the great job! You truly are an inspiration.

  2. Geny,
    First of all YOU GO GIRL! It is not easy making the time to workout and eat right with two kids, hubby and the current passing of your dad. You inspire me to be better.
    Thank you for the kind words. You got this!
    We will cross the finish line together.

  3. Day 3 was great for me!! Thursdays class was filled with in my mind that I could everything that was asked of me to do with great form and patience, I did not look at anyone to see if they were going faster than me more reps than me. I was doing what was right for myself. Later that afternoon Yoga class was great, This was my 2nd class but things are getting better, I ate great for breakfast and lunch but for some reason dinner I always have to have something sweet to eat afterwards so there went a piece of cake. Struggles of every day life for people who love sugar!

    Day 4 Friday Morning Ugh I was scheduled to get up alarm went off at 4 but instead of hitting the snooze button I turned off the alarm. Knowing that i needed to get up but when you are not connected to a TEAM!! you will not be held responsible for anything no one is watching you so guess what you will play hooky when ever you please. So I felt guilty I ran this evening @ 7 but I could only run 2 miles because of the heat lol but I guess thats my punishment for not going this morning. I ate perfect today at least.

  4. Shawn!!! GIRL IS ON FIRE!!! We all have our sweet cravings and it's okay to give into them. I think the trick for us is to control how much we eat. Besides girl, you look AMAZING! I am not sure why you are trying to drop any weight but you have to do what feels fit for you. We got this!!!


I got this G!